Puré/pulpa de fruta

Pulpa de kiwi

Introducción del producto
La pulpa de kiwi tiene un alto contenido de pulpa, un rico sabor a fruta y un sabor agridulce, lo que la hace muy adecuada para preparar té de frutas, batidos, postres y otras bebidas.
Pulpa: Contenido de fruta (pulpa y jugo) 40-50%; con pulpa, sólidos granulares y consistencia más espesa.


  • Vida útil: 12 meses
  • Almacenamiento: Almacenar en un lugar fresco y seco, evitar la luz solar directa.
  • Presentación: 1,5 kg por botella, 10 botellas por caja
  • Ingredientes: Contenido de fruta (pulpa y jugo) 40-50%; con pulpa y consistencia más espesa.

Preparation of Kiwi Pulp Fruit

To add kiwi flavor to beverages, desserts, or dishes, simply add an appropriate amount of kiwi pulp fruit and mix well.


Application of Kiwi Pulp Fruit

Kiwi pulp fruit has a wide range of applications. Whether it's for fruit teas, other beverages, smoothies, or desserts, kiwi pulp fruit can be used to enhance the kiwi flavor.


Kiwi Pulp Fruit Recipe Ideas

Kiwifruit Yakult Smoothie


Kiwifruit Yakult smoothie is a delightful and nutritious beverage that combines the sweet and tart flavors of Yakult and kiwifruit. Each sip delivers a refreshing burst of kiwi and Yakult, leaving an unforgettable taste impression.

Ingredients Directions
65g kiwi pulp fruit
250ml Yakult
80g ice cubes
Step 1: Add the kiwi pulp fruit to the Yakult and stir until well mixed.
Step 2: Place the ice cubes into the cup.
Step 3: Pour the mixed base drink into the cup to finish.


If you want a stronger kiwi flavor in the kiwifruit Yakult smoothie, you can either increase the amount of kiwi pulp fruit or add diced kiwifruit to the drink.



Kiwifruit Yakult smoothie can easily spoil if left at room temperature for too long. If you don't finish it right away, it is recommended to seal it and store it in the refrigerator.


Kiwifruit Apple Smoothie

The Kiwifruit apple smoothie is refreshing and cooling, with the sweet scent of apples and kiwifruit coming together. As you sip the kiwi apple smoothie, you can savor the symphony of fruit flavors, as if you've stepped into a summer orchard, bringing a sense of joy!

Ingredients Directions
60g kiwi pulp fruit
40ml apple syrup
300g ice cubes
1–2 apple slices
Step 1: Add the kiwi pulp, apple syrup, and ice cubes to the blender in order.
Step 2: Turn on the blender and mix for about 1 minute.
Step 3: Pour the blended smoothie into a cup.
Step 4: Top the kiwifruit apple smoothie with apple slices to finish.


To achieve a perfectly blended and flavorful smoothie, combine kiwi pulp fruit, apple syrup, and ice cubes in a blender and mix until smooth. Alternatively, you can prepare the ice cubes into a separate smoothie base and then top it with apple syrup and kiwi pulp fruit.

Recommended product>>Apple Syrup


To prevent the kiwifruit apple smoothie from melting, it is essential to store it in the freezer if it is not consumed within a short period.

Kiwifruit BOLU Green Tea

Kiwifruit BOLU Green Tea is a refreshing beverage that tantalizes your senses with its natural fruit aroma and green tea fragrance. Composed primarily of tangy kiwi pulp fruit, chewy Konjac BOLU, and mellow green tea, this multi-colored drink delivers a rich and delightful taste experience. Bursting with kiwi fruit cubes and Konjac BOLU pearls, the symphony of flavors will surely have you reaching for another sip!

Ingredients Directions
70g kiwi pulp fruit
250ml green tea
80g Konjac BOLU
80g ice cubes
Step 1: Add the kiwi pulp fruit to the green tea and stir well.
Step 2: Place the ice cubes and Konjac BOLU into a cup.
Step 3: Pour the mixed base drink into the cup to finish.


Since BOLU has its sweetness, it balances the tartness of kiwi pulp fruit and the mellow flavor of green tea. If you prefer a sweeter beverage, consider adding 1-2 tablespoons of honey.

Recommended product>>Konjac BOLU


Once opened, Konjac BOLU must be sealed tightly and stored in a cool place, away from direct sunlight to prevent spoilage.

Kiwifruit Jelly

Making kiwifruit jelly is simple and quick. With just the right amount of kiwi pulp fruit, water, and jelly powder, and by following the simple instructions, you can also create perfectly set, visually appealing, smooth-textured kiwifruit jelly with fresh fruit flavor.

Ingredients Directions
40ml kiwi pulp fruit
100g jelly powder
500ml water
Step 1: Bring water to a boil, then turn off the heat.
Step 2: Pour the jelly powder and kiwi pulp fruit into a container and stir until well combined.
Step 3: Bring the mixture to a boil again, then turn off the heat.
Step 4: Pour the mixed jelly mixture into molds.
Step 5: Refrigerate until set, then enjoy!


When making kiwi jelly, it is recommended to follow a water-to-jelly powder ratio of 5:1 for a chewier texture. If you prefer a softer or firmer texture, you can adjust the amount of water accordingly.

Recommended product >>Jelly Powder

 ► Jelly Powder Recipe


If the kiwi jelly is not consumed within a short time, it must be stored in an airtight container or sealed bag and then refrigerated. It is recommended not to keep it for more than one day to ensure the best texture.


Kiwifruit Mojito

Kiwifruit mojito, with white rum and sparkling water as its base, offers a milder flavor. It incorporates the essential fruit elements - kiwifruit and lime - and is garnished with mint leaves to enhance the beverage's flavor layers. Tasting the kiwi mojito is like sunbathing on a hot summer afternoon, with a refreshing breeze blowing away your worries.

Ingredients Directions
50g kiwi pulp fruit
20ml lemon syrup
300ml sparkling water
15g white sugar
70g ice cubes
45ml white rum
1–2 mint leaves
1–2 lemon slices
Step 1: First, mix the white sugar, lemon syrup, kiwi pulp fruit, and white rum, then stir well and pour into a glass.
Step 2: Add sparkling water and ice cubes until the glass is full.
Step 3: Garnish with mint leaves and a lemon slice to complete.


The above recipe is for an alcoholic kiwi mojito. If you prefer a non-alcoholic version, you can simply substitute the white rum with additional sparkling water.

Recommended product>>Lemon Syrup


Kiwi pulp fruit, lemon syrup, and white rum must be sealed tightly after opening. It is recommended to store them in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.